Employer Description of work
Tlokwe City CouncilRelocation of main sewer outfall next to old Ikageng Graveyard
Tlokwe City CouncilMohadin water and sewer reticulation (104) Stands
Cluadius Ext1 - New bulk sewer connection for 9 stands in Sakkim Street ERF 1232/ 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, & 43
City of Tshwane Sub-Consultants to KUFA Trading EnterpriseConstruction of Sewer Infrastructure in Stinkwater (A-D): Contract CB 217/2008
(Delmas Municipality) KABE as a Sub-Consultant to Ditlou Consulting Development of Delmas Portion 9 of Witklip Farm Water & Sanitation
(Delmas Municipality) KABE as a Sub-Consultant to Ditlou Consulting Development of Delmas Portion 6 of Witklip Farm Water & Sanitation